Science – Electricity

Understanding Electricity for Kids

noeK12  This site has video’s, quizzes, games and puzzles, as well as vocabulary related to learning about electricity.

Physics for Kids  This site has a more indepth discussion on electricity as well as other physics topics.  In addition, there are games and quizzes on the site.  The first question on the quiz section is:  What type of electricity is making your desk top computer run?  This is a fun question for children to think about in the technological world.  Children are asked what powers their brain.  Such stimulation!

Kids Connect  This site has the facts related to electricity clearly laid out in numbered sentences 1 – 10.  There is even mention of Thomas Edison.  The Links section is a great resource.

You Tube Videos on Electricity for Kids  This link will bring up one video (1 – there are 6 in this particular series) and then you are able to click on other videos such as Introduction to Electricity.  How to Create a Lemon Battery is a video which the children may enjoy watching and then creating for themselves.  Be sure to have the right equipment.  There are potato and vinegar batteries, too.  So much to see and to learn!

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