Author Archives: wdgrams

Education in Thailand

Educational System in Thailand – this site outlines in chart form and gives a brief summary of the educational system of Thailand

The Borgen Project lists 10 facts about Thai education.  Borgen started the blog to bring awareness of poverty to the US politicians.   (as of 9/11/17)

Life in a Thai School written by Richard Barrow  – a very interesting and insightful article into a Thai child’s school life.  I was struck by the respect the children showed their parents who brought them to school.  There are links to being a teacher at the school.

Respect for Teachers in the Thai School usually at the beginning of the school year.

The School Year and Holidays – this site notes there are different holidays for international and private schools.

Christian Schools in Thailand – This site gives a chart of Christian schools in Thailand which are considered private, international schools.  The schools utilize an American US curriculum.

Homeschooling in Thailand – It is legal to homeschool in Thailand, but papers need to be submitted.

A2Z Homes Cool – This site gives a list of homeschool groups in Thailand.  For example, The Bangkok Area Homeschool Group.

Letter written by a missionary mom homeschooling and ministering in Thailand

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Filed under Education in Asia, Home Schooling, International Schools, Teaching Overseas, Uncategorized

Phonics and Grammar Songs

Two Letters That Work Together

The Diagraph Song

The Vowel Song

Phonics – Diagraphs and Dipthongs

Between the Lions: “When Two Vowels Go Walking”

Sight Words 1st Grade (The words pop up and are read aloud – no singing)

Verb Song

Preposition Song – this shows the prepositions and the family is singing to the tune of Yankee Doodle


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Filed under Grammar, Phonics, Reading, Technology, Tutoring, Writing

Oppositional Defiance Disorder

A child with ODD can be very difficult for parents. These parents need support and understanding. Parents can help their child with ODD in the following ways:
• Always build on the positives, give the child praise and positive reinforcement when he shows flexibility or cooperation.
• Take a time-out or break if you are about to make the conflict with your child worse, not better. This is good modeling for your child. Support your child if he decides to take a time-out to prevent overreacting.
• Pick your battles. Since the child with ODD has trouble avoiding power struggles, prioritize the things you want your child to do. If you give your child a time-out in his room for misbehavior, don’t add time for arguing. Say “your time will start when you go to your room.”
• Set up reasonable, age appropriate limits with consequences that can be enforced consistently.
• Maintain interests other than your child with ODD, so that managing your child doesn’t take all your time and energy. Try to work with and obtain support from the other adults (teachers, coaches, and spouse) dealing with your child.
• Manage your own stress with healthy life choices such as exercise and relaxation. Use respite care and other breaks as needed (retrieved on 10/29/13)

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Filed under Special Needs

Writing Support for College and High School

The Writing Center – Understanding Assignments
This information is taken from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill site and may be helpful for students in college as well as those in high school.

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Filed under College Education, Home Schooling, Special Needs, Tutoring, Writing

Reading Strategies

Eureka AGORA This site offers pdf downloadable files on many different reading strategies such as Think-Pair-Share, Reader’s Theatre, and many more.

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Filed under Home Schooling, Phonics, Reading, Special Needs, Tutoring, Vocabulary

Learning to Read

Reading Eggs This site offers a 14 day free trial period. The testimonials I read recommended this program for special needs children who were struggling with reading. The graphics and voice are appealing. The program begins in pre-school and continues through age thirteen.

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Filed under Home Schooling, Phonics, Reading, Special Needs, Spelling, Tutoring, Vocabulary

Tips for Teaching Times Tables

Skip Counting – Students count up by the number. Example 4 times table – Students count 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48

Stories – Use Learn Times Tables the Fun Way by CityCreek.Com. There are many stories to help students remember their times tables. The colorful pictures aid in the students’ learning. For example, 6 x 8 – It is Eight’s birthday. Chef Six bakes a cake for Eight (forty-eight). See their website to purchase story book, work book, music and story disks and more. The illustrations are fabulous and students with a photographic mind and artistic intelligence will enjoy this way of learning the times tables.

Clock – Use the clock for learning the 5 times table.

Fingers – Use all ten fingers for learning the nine times table. For example, 6 x 9 – with hands on the table count from left to right up to finger 6, bend that finger down. Then count in tens from left to the bent finger 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. Lastly, count in single digits after the bent finger – 51, 52, 53, 54. So 6 x 9 = 54

White Board – various times tables put on small and large white boards for students to answer

Apps – Use Nook App Math Timed Pro

Online –

Flashcards – Use the story prompt flashcards connected with Learn Times Tables the Fun Way.

Other – 4 times table is doubling the 2 times table

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Filed under Assessments, Math, Special Needs, Technology, Tutoring

Math Assessments

Math Mammoth – is a website that offers assessments to determine a student’s grasp of particular math concepts or lack thereof. Further, it offers remedial math concept books, math grade level curriculum review books, and worksheets (grades 3-8, Pre-Algebra and Algebra). As a matter of interest, there is a South African version of the curriculum. However, in the regular curriculum the money section includes: Australian, Canadian, South African, European, and British money. The developer notes that the regular curriculum is “slightly above” the common core standards. There is a discussion related to changes to the common core curriculum. For example,

Here are the links to the assessments for grades 1-6.

6th Grade

5th Grade Math

4th Grade Math

3rd Grade Math

2nd Grade Math

1st Grade Math

Regular Curricula (Light Blue Series) on Mammoth Math website
In addition, grade level curricula are available for purchase individually or as a bundle. See

Worksheets (Golden Series)
Here is the link for obtaining worksheets
Testimonials: See the Testimonials written by tutors, parents, and teachers, including one from Africa and one from a co-ordinator of children with learning disabilities. There is a comment from a high school special education teacher affirming the use of worksheets with higher functioning special needs students.

Note: This site has been recommended by Cathy Duffy (January 2014)

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Filed under Assessments, Math, Testing, Tutoring

Math – Measuring Liquids

House of G for Math Memory of cups, pints, quarts, gallaons
The big G is the house, 4 Qs are the windows, each window has 2 Ps for people looking out, and each person has 2 c’s for eyes.

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Filed under Math, Science

Record Keeping For Home Schooled Students

It is vital to keep academic records using the quarter-semester system for your homeschooled student. According to the following website the transcript is essential for receiving a scholarship. Read the two stories on the Bridgeway Academy website

Here is a sample Middle School transcript form from the Catholic School in Virginia

How to Easily Create a High School Transcript on P.E.A.H’s The transcript template is easy to download and the instructions are clear, concise, and understandable.

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Filed under College Education, Home Schooling