Category Archives: Home Schooling

Education in Thailand

Educational System in Thailand – this site outlines in chart form and gives a brief summary of the educational system of Thailand

The Borgen Project lists 10 facts about Thai education.  Borgen started the blog to bring awareness of poverty to the US politicians.   (as of 9/11/17)

Life in a Thai School written by Richard Barrow  – a very interesting and insightful article into a Thai child’s school life.  I was struck by the respect the children showed their parents who brought them to school.  There are links to being a teacher at the school.

Respect for Teachers in the Thai School usually at the beginning of the school year.

The School Year and Holidays – this site notes there are different holidays for international and private schools.

Christian Schools in Thailand – This site gives a chart of Christian schools in Thailand which are considered private, international schools.  The schools utilize an American US curriculum.

Homeschooling in Thailand – It is legal to homeschool in Thailand, but papers need to be submitted.

A2Z Homes Cool – This site gives a list of homeschool groups in Thailand.  For example, The Bangkok Area Homeschool Group.

Letter written by a missionary mom homeschooling and ministering in Thailand

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Filed under Education in Asia, Home Schooling, International Schools, Teaching Overseas, Uncategorized

Writing Support for College and High School

The Writing Center – Understanding Assignments
This information is taken from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill site and may be helpful for students in college as well as those in high school.

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Filed under College Education, Home Schooling, Special Needs, Tutoring, Writing

Reading Strategies

Eureka AGORA This site offers pdf downloadable files on many different reading strategies such as Think-Pair-Share, Reader’s Theatre, and many more.

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Filed under Home Schooling, Phonics, Reading, Special Needs, Tutoring, Vocabulary

Learning to Read

Reading Eggs This site offers a 14 day free trial period. The testimonials I read recommended this program for special needs children who were struggling with reading. The graphics and voice are appealing. The program begins in pre-school and continues through age thirteen.

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Filed under Home Schooling, Phonics, Reading, Special Needs, Spelling, Tutoring, Vocabulary

Record Keeping For Home Schooled Students

It is vital to keep academic records using the quarter-semester system for your homeschooled student. According to the following website the transcript is essential for receiving a scholarship. Read the two stories on the Bridgeway Academy website

Here is a sample Middle School transcript form from the Catholic School in Virginia

How to Easily Create a High School Transcript on P.E.A.H’s The transcript template is easy to download and the instructions are clear, concise, and understandable.

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Filed under College Education, Home Schooling

Online Schools

Here are some options as you consider online education for your student in elementary, middle, or high school. Some schools are free, but others have fees. Some have Christian values, but others let you choose. Most are accredited and dual enrollment is a benefit. Consider carefully the option that best fits your family’s needs and your child’s style of learning.

Abeka Academy This program offers video based learning and online streaming capabilities. The program is used internationally and is accredited.

Calvert Education This site offers four different types of education: Home School, Virtual Public School, Calvert Virtual Academy, and Veracity for Struggling Readers.
Calvert Virtual Learning Academy for students 6 – 8th Grades

Christian Educators Academy This is an online school offering courses in all 50 states. It is accredited.

Cyber Academy of South Carolina This education would be with the public school system and is free for residence of South Carolina.

Liberty University – Offers and online school (Online Academy) for grades 3 – 12 with consideration for dual enrollment and is accredited.

The Potter’s School This is an online school for “any student, any country.” It is accredited and offers dual enrollment with Belhaven University.
University of Nebraska Online High School This school offers dual enrollment and is accredited.

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Filed under Home Schooling, Online Schools

Math Games

There are several games on the Cool Math Games site  including Fraction Splat, FractOne, and Number Balls.  These math games are on the “number” section.

Cool Math for Kids   This site has many games including the “Timernator” which is a timed multiplication game.   This game allows you specify the extent of your learning, for example, up to 3 times table.   The “Number Monster for Times Tables” is an untimed version of the game

Cool Math is another site which has math learning games for any one aged 13 – 100!  So enjoy  for example, Math Lines xFactor 12 which works on the 12 times table. 

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Filed under Home Schooling, Math, Tutoring

Word Games

Word Mash is a game to make words from letters. The site offers a game for 1st through 6th grades. There is a time limit.

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Filed under Home Schooling, Languages, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary

Accelerated Reading (AR) for Homeschoolers

The AR program encourages students to read and then read some more.  Students are able to determine the reading level of books by using the AR Book Finder website .  To understand more about the AR program for schools see the Renaissance Learning  This program is not accessible to homeschoolers, however there is an alternative given in the Five J’s blog   called Book Adventures.  sponsored by Sylvan Learning. 

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by | October 27, 2013 · 9:32 pm

History of Presidents and Voting

Here are some links for you to use as you study about the presidents of the United States of America.
The White House – Presidents
Apples for the Teacher – Presidents birth town list and books
Have Fun with History website
Presidential Lists
Presidents and Vice-Presidents This would be helpful for finding information about the president and his political party. It also gives the events that occurred during the president’s term of office. This is a great site for students to use as a resource.
Presidents of the United States Click on the president’s name and a summary bio will appear.
Way Back Presidents: Secret History This is a pbs site and has interesting facts about the presidents that students may like to review.
US Presidents FunFacts (National Geographic)
Kids.Gov A place for kids and teens to search many issues including the election process. How to Become a President free poster download (ask your parents)

Historical Facts: Extremely Important Dates in Voting History This site also emphasizes the importance of just one vote. Interesting.
USA.Gov Government Made Easy: Learn about Elections and Voting
Ben’s Guide to US Government for Kids Grades 6 – 8 This site covers topics such as: Branches of Government, The Election Process, and How Laws are Made US Government Web Sites for Kids & Students which includes a link to the White House for Kids. Fun Facts for Kids
Kids Voting: A Short History of Voting in the United States This site gives an overview of the voting process.
US Voting Rights Timeline

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Filed under History, Home Schooling