Category Archives: Languages

Word Games

Word Mash is a game to make words from letters. The site offers a game for 1st through 6th grades. There is a time limit.

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Filed under Home Schooling, Languages, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary


Here are some links for teaching and writing poetry. Enjoy!
Daily Writing Tips 36 poetry terms found at the following address:
Glossary of Poetry Terms
English Poetry Terms
Poetry Terms with examples

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Filed under English Literature, Home Schooling, Languages, Vocabulary, Writing

Learn to Speak Afrikaans

Here are some sites pertaining to learning Afrikaans. Enjoy! Totsiens
Easy Afrikaans
Speak Afrikaans in minutes

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Filed under Languages

Learning to Type

Learning Games for Kids: This site allows students to learn keyboarding through various games and it includes a self-paced course to learn the keyboard.  There are different categories which students can choose as they learn there spelling and keyboarding.  For example, the sports selection includes spelling of swimming, golf, basketball, football and others.  Once a student reaches the 10 spelling within the time limit the challenge continues until time runs out.  This is a great way to learning spelling and keyboarding.

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Filed under Languages, Resources, Technology

Nook Reads in English and Spanish

Nook Kids Read to Me

Some of these books are for free.

Spanish Books on Nook –

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Filed under English Literature, Languages, Reading, Resources, Uncategorized

Language Learning

Here are some sites for language learning.  Have fun and enjoy!


            Mango is used by libraries, corporations, businesses, government, schools and many more.  It has been acknowledge by the Los Angeles Times as a great resource for travelers learning languages.  It has also received acknowledgment from Education World.  Actual conversations are learned online in the language of your choice.  There are many different languages from which to choose.  The graphics and audio appear to be of high quality.  The use of colors in the phrases is also helpful.  Try out the sample lesson – it is free.  There are fees for the lessons available for 3 months, 6 months, or a year.

Digital Dialects

            There are many languages to choose from including Filipino, Mongolian and Maori.  It is visually pleasing with colors and graphics.  This site is free.  You learn numbers, colors and phrases and then play games.  This is a great place for children to be exposed to the many languages spoken around the world.  Afrikaans was a language I learned in school in South Africa!


This site is set up to learn Spanish. There is so much to choose from.  It can be used for all ages and stages of learning Spanish.  The alphabet is fun for youngsters (even for some adults!)  You can move on to advanced Spanish which involves verb conjugations and so forth.  The site is visually pleasing, informative and easy to use.  Hope you enjoy!

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Filed under Languages