Category Archives: Teaching Overseas

Education in Thailand

Educational System in Thailand – this site outlines in chart form and gives a brief summary of the educational system of Thailand

The Borgen Project lists 10 facts about Thai education.  Borgen started the blog to bring awareness of poverty to the US politicians.   (as of 9/11/17)

Life in a Thai School written by Richard Barrow  – a very interesting and insightful article into a Thai child’s school life.  I was struck by the respect the children showed their parents who brought them to school.  There are links to being a teacher at the school.

Respect for Teachers in the Thai School usually at the beginning of the school year.

The School Year and Holidays – this site notes there are different holidays for international and private schools.

Christian Schools in Thailand – This site gives a chart of Christian schools in Thailand which are considered private, international schools.  The schools utilize an American US curriculum.

Homeschooling in Thailand – It is legal to homeschool in Thailand, but papers need to be submitted.

A2Z Homes Cool – This site gives a list of homeschool groups in Thailand.  For example, The Bangkok Area Homeschool Group.

Letter written by a missionary mom homeschooling and ministering in Thailand

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Teachers Needed in Schools Overseas

Teachers Needed

If you are a teacher and wish to teach overseas, here are some current openings (as of March 21, 2012).

See SIM’s website

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Filed under Resources, Teaching Overseas