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Education in Thailand

Educational System in Thailand – this site outlines in chart form and gives a brief summary of the educational system of Thailand

The Borgen Project lists 10 facts about Thai education.  Borgen started the blog to bring awareness of poverty to the US politicians.   (as of 9/11/17)

Life in a Thai School written by Richard Barrow  – a very interesting and insightful article into a Thai child’s school life.  I was struck by the respect the children showed their parents who brought them to school.  There are links to being a teacher at the school.

Respect for Teachers in the Thai School usually at the beginning of the school year.

The School Year and Holidays – this site notes there are different holidays for international and private schools.

Christian Schools in Thailand – This site gives a chart of Christian schools in Thailand which are considered private, international schools.  The schools utilize an American US curriculum.

Homeschooling in Thailand – It is legal to homeschool in Thailand, but papers need to be submitted.

A2Z Homes Cool – This site gives a list of homeschool groups in Thailand.  For example, The Bangkok Area Homeschool Group.

Letter written by a missionary mom homeschooling and ministering in Thailand

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Nook Reads in English and Spanish

Nook Kids Read to Me

Some of these books are for free.

Spanish Books on Nook –

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UK Information Service for World Mission

OSCAR: The UK information service for world mission.  This is a fabulous resource for mission education.   There are many links from which to choose.  For example, there is a list of mission schools by country, a list of schools for MKs in England, as well as teacher and home education resources.  The site is primarily for UK based missionaries, but is full of helpful information for missionary families considering schooling options. Enjoy!

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Digital Nursery Rhyme for Alphabet

This may be a new way for younger children to learn the alphabet and become familiar with technology.  Enjoy!

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Here is a fun site for children to learn typing or keyboarding basics.

 Krazy Keyboarding for Kids

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Children’s Books Online is the newest resource!  Here is the list.  Enjoy

The Rosetta Project
This site offers possibly the largest collection of antique, online children’s (and some adult) books online.  The illustrations and displays online are exquisite.  The books may be downloaded or read online.
Internet Public Library
The Internet for Public Library has a children’s area that offers a variety of subjects, homework help, and resources for parents and teachers.
At this site, one can listen to children’s books read online.

This site offers information about children’s books.

 “Kidsreads is the best place on the web for kids to find info about their favorite books, series and authors. Reviews of the newest titles, interviews with the coolest authors and special features on great books are our specialties. And for even more reading fun we have trivia games, word scrambles and awesome contests!”

Podcasts are imminent.   I really like the Little House Series; there are trivia questions, word searches and other games.

Magic Keys
Offers online storybooks, phonic links, riddles, coloring books.

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We have enjoyed the Punctuation Tales series put out by Scholastic. There are 8 books in the set:
Super Sentence Girl, which discusses sentence structure.
Henry Goes to Hollywood, which discusses capitalization.
The New Mayor of Dogville, which discusses quotation marks.
The Legend of Johnny Comma, which discusses commas.
The Amazing Abbreviation Machine, which discusses abbreviations.
The Awesome Apostrophe Show, which discusses apostrophes.
The Little Red Hen Bakes a Cake, which discusses sentence stoppers.
The Island of Talking Cows, which discusses colons & semicolons.

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Hello world!

Welcome!  I hope that this will be a site to share ideas as well as find support and encouragement for educating missionary children, especially those with special educational needs.

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