Category Archives: Writing

Phonics and Grammar Songs

Two Letters That Work Together

The Diagraph Song

The Vowel Song

Phonics – Diagraphs and Dipthongs

Between the Lions: “When Two Vowels Go Walking”

Sight Words 1st Grade (The words pop up and are read aloud – no singing)

Verb Song

Preposition Song – this shows the prepositions and the family is singing to the tune of Yankee Doodle


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Filed under Grammar, Phonics, Reading, Technology, Tutoring, Writing

Writing Support for College and High School

The Writing Center – Understanding Assignments
This information is taken from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill site and may be helpful for students in college as well as those in high school.

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Filed under College Education, Home Schooling, Special Needs, Tutoring, Writing

Understanding Students with Learning Difficulties

Writing Issues
Here is a list of terms related to writing problems encountered by some students, including: Orthographic coding, written expression, and fine motor skills.

Executive Function Issues
Here is a list of terms and their definitions related to executive functioning problems with which students may struggle, including: Emotional control, cognition, flexible thinking, working memory, and task intuition.

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Filed under Special Needs, Writing


Here are some websites related to understanding poetry.

Daily Writing Tips 36 poetry terms found at the following address:

Glossary of Poetry Terms
English Poetry Terms
Poetry Terms with examples

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Filed under English Literature, Reading, Writing

Writing for High School and College

The Writing Center – Understanding Assignments
This information is taken from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill site and may be helpful for students in college as well as those in high school.

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Filed under College Education, Writing


Here are some links for teaching and writing poetry. Enjoy!
Daily Writing Tips 36 poetry terms found at the following address:
Glossary of Poetry Terms
English Poetry Terms
Poetry Terms with examples

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Filed under English Literature, Home Schooling, Languages, Vocabulary, Writing

Spelling a Fun Way

If you need a way to spell, why not try Spelling to Classical Music.  See Cathy Duffy’s review for more details and, in particular, note the cost.

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Filed under Spelling, Writing

Learning with Music

Learning with Songs

Writing:  A Song about Writing may be viewed at the following website. .  This site has a few more free songs but not many.


Do you like pie?  This is a CD to help students learn phonemes.  The CD costs $26.  You may view the lyrics and note the target learning of each song.

Songs for Teaching: Using Music to promote learning.  This is a fabulous site that links you to first hear an excerpt of the song, see the lyrics and then order it.  There seem to be either one or two options:  CD and/or download to MP3 player or other device.  The costs vary.

For example:  Onomatopoeia: A song for learning onomatopoeia using the alphabet.  This site has a sample and the lyrics.

Spelling:  Musical Spelling Rules

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Filed under Music, Reading, Technology, Writing

Writing Assistance

I discovered this article online and thought I would share it.  The site is worth visiting to check out other articles.  Enjoy this excerpt!

The Write Tools for ADHD  (March 11, 2012)  The following paragraphs are taken from the above referenced article online.

You should understand your child’s challenges and match technology to his needs, says Joan Green, author of The Ultimate Guide to Assistive Technology in Special Education (Prufrock Press).

Although Green encourages teachers to use online resources, she says that a digital pen, such as the Livescribe Pen, is a good investment for many students. “I use this with kids who can’t take notes in class,” she says. The Livescribe Pen (which starts at $99.95) captures the audio in the classroom, which can then be uploaded, and shared, online. Students can tap on the notes they took during class and hear the audio recorded at the moment they were writing. The pen is helpful for students who don’t catch the main points during class.

WordQ is another tool that Green favors. In fact, she uses it herself. The software aids with typing and proofreading by providing such features as word prediction, highlighting, and auditory feedback. The program ($149) reads text aloud as the user types. “You’re less likely to miss errors in your work if you hear your writing spoken aloud,” says Green. “And if you get stuck on spelling, it provides help.”

Debra Bauder, president of the Special Education Technology Interest Group of the International Society for Technology in Education, recommends a program called Inspiration, a graphic organizer to help students with ADHD, autism, dyslexia, aphasia, or who struggle with organizing their thoughts into written words. The software (which costs $59 for a single user) is meant to engage kids in the writing process through diagrams, outlines, graphics, video, and sound. Teachers can link the software to an interactive whiteboard to demonstrate it for the class.

Windows Vista has a word dictation function built into its program. If you want to take word prediction to the next level, Bauder suggests Co:Writer, developed by Don Johnston. It will help your student write papers that will catch the teacher’s eye.

The Write Tools for ADHD Students: Livescribe Pen, WordQ, Inspiration, Co-Writer  These are fascinating aids for students struggling to write.  There is a cost involved but the benefits need to be considered.

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Filed under Resources, Writing

Writing Curriculum

Just Write and Writing Skills are two writing curricula which I recommend.  The pages are clearly set out, and easy to use and teach.  The students learns to write in a sequential way.  First understanding sentences, then paragraphs, and then developing stories.  Students gain understanding of verbs, adjectives and sentence construction.  Students will identify topic sentences, concluding sentences, and write their own as they begin to write paragraphs.  Students I have worked with have benefited greatly from these programs.  These may be used for remedial writing.  Both of these curricula may be viewed in depth and the appropriate grade level selected by viewing the EPS School Specialty website

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Filed under Writing