Tag Archives: College Education

Preparing for College

Here is the first of information regarding preparing your students to enter College/University in the USA.

First, start early in the planning for your student to begin College especially if you are living overseas. Plan for SAT testing, ACT testing, funding, college visits, and preparing applications.

The best time to start is in your student’s junior year. Start talking about which colleges or universities your student may like to attend and what degree they may be interested in pursuing.

Plan to visit Colleges/Universities in the Spring of the student’s junior year.

Plan for your student to take the SAT or ACT prior to the Spring visits. Sign up online at the nearest testing center and on the dates that are most convenient.

Plan to have your taxes filed as early as possilbe in the January of your student’s junior year if you will be needing funding support.

Enjoy your discussions. Life ia an adventure!

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Filed under College Education

College Education Around the World

Christian Colleges around the World

This site lists Christian colleges in different countries including Thailand, Singapore, South Africa, Guatamala.  Enjoy!    http://www.strangefyr.com/ccolleges/intl.html

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Filed under College Education